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Wang Wensheng Baoji Titanium Group: efforts to build a world Titanium strong enterprises

[ Info Diffusion:This station | Time:2018-01-09 | Hits:1809 ]

On December 28, 2017, Wang Wensheng, Chairman and Party Secretary of Baoji Titanium Group, took part in the third general meeting (enlargement) of the 12th municipal committee of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province and accepted the interview from the author. Wang Wensheng said that in the new era and in the face of the new requirements, the new leadership of Baoji Titanium Group will earnestly implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the municipal party committee, deepen the reform of the enterprise as an entry point, innovate and develop the model, Titanium Group to build a world Titanium strong enterprises.

Wang Wensheng said that although Baotai Group has become China's largest specialized titanium and titanium alloy production and research base of rare metals, but due to institutional mechanisms and market and other reasons, leading to the development of enterprises into poor quality, lack of stamina situation . They will be determined to make progress, catch up with surpassing, and start the new journey of development of Bao Ti. At present, according to the company's situation, to create a new journey Baoji titanium is divided into two stages. The first stage: Within 3 to 5 years, we will achieve the annual output of 30,000 tons of titanium products and the annual revenue of 30 billion yuan. We will develop the enterprise into a first-rate domestic enterprise with strong profitability. The income of employees will increase substantially, Satisfied feeling of acquisition. The second stage: in 8 ~ 10 years, to achieve the leading annual output of 40,000 tons of titanium, the annual revenue of 40 billion yuan goal to become the world's aviation industry and major domestic customers major suppliers to achieve the construction of the world's titanium industry strong enterprises aims.

Wang Wensheng said Baotai Group will push forward the reform of the new labor and personnel salary system so as to realize the spirit of gaining valuable labor and technology and carrying forward the spirit of "Bao Titanium Craftsman" so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of vast numbers of employees and make the technology, skills and capital both become Promote enterprises to become stronger and bigger key elements. Market-oriented, change of mechanism, optimization of system, promotion of flat management of enterprises, promotion of integration of production, supply and marketing of various business entities, exploration of various modes of mixed ownership reform, continual adaptation to market competition at home and abroad, and balanced development of various ownership enterprises of the Group . At the same time, we should make fine military products, do livelihood products, expand middle and high-end markets, expand exports and achieve steady growth of profits.